Monday 25 August 2008

Term3 Week8 Journal Entry

A betrayer. How foolish of me to have trusted him.
I felt like such a fool.
If only I didn't follow his plan.

Now, most probably, he would be over the moon.
For making me create such a pandemonium,
and many other heinous crimes.

Why did I even bother working with a such a callous guy like him?
I should not have even bothered to vindicate and redress his wrongdoings.

Never will I forget.

Monday 18 August 2008

Term3 Week7 Journal Entry

He was known for his glib tongue. Even himself did not know it would be fatal.

In school, he would use his fancy words to procrastinate his assignments. However, the teacher couldn't take it. His results were stagnant, showing a trend, always straight Fs.

In the end, he got himself into even deeper trouble.

Term3 Week6 Journal Entry

He, from small had a phobia of exams. Though it might seem weird, but whenever it came to exams, special arrangements were made to make the exam hall conducive enough for him to do.

Through many teachers' motivation and rationalizing, he was able to confront the exam with ease.


Term3 Week5 Journal Entry

In this kind of genre, it wasn't suitable for him. Just introducing it to him could give him an expression of grotesque, which would not be nice for depicting a picture.

But, the director was compassionate enough to give him a role in the movie. With many thanks, he treasured that role, as if it was his most coveted item.

How lucky.

Term3 Week4 Journal Entry

He was flabbergasted upon seeing his results, although with a vivacious mood this morning, with confidence of himself getting high marks.

But, he was in complete stupor. He realised his teacher gave him comments on his work, saying it was just too cliche`. He couldn't refute back, it was a fact.

How he wished this didn't happened.

Term3 Week3 Journal Entry

The prisoner ran to a abandoned construction site. He looked around vigilantly, wary of the police.

For the past few days, he had been interrogated by the officers, as they wanted him to divulge the truth. It was cumbersome, but at least they managed to get some inside information.

Tough work.

Term3 Week2 Journal Entry

Despite many times of losing the match, reproaching himself time and again, he gave a good performance that was unforgettable to many others.

Although he was wary of his opponents' moves and won the first round easily, he got complacent too soon and lost the consecutive three rounds.

After the match, he tried to be discreet in his movements to avoid the media. Unfortunately, it was tantamount to attracting even more attention to him.

Better luck next time.

Monday 4 August 2008

Term3 Week1 Journal Entry

"Roll and win prizes!" "Grab some food here!" "Popcorn at only $1!!" Noises of stall owners were trying emulate each other to get customers to patronize their stall. It was the annual community bazaar. Many were enjoying themselves.

While looking around, I spotted this bizarre-looking tent which was covered up in a curtain with many question marks. Strange. Curious, I slowly opened the curtain. "Hello?" not a reply. Squinting, I walked further in. It looked as if people came here to pay respect to venerable gods.

Out of the blue, "Welcome..." I turned. A crystal ball. I didn't really believe in fortune telling then, but curiosity got the better of me. Maybe, I thought, I was going to see the writing on the wall.

I sat on the chair in front. Looking around again, I tried not to worry on such a trivial matter. The fortune teller appeared.


I left the tent, wondering.