Friday 27 June 2008

Term2 Week10 Journal Entry

There once lived a prudent man.

He, although was big-sized, was an innocuous person. He lived by the countryside, a quiet yet serene milieu. Though many may say he's just too timid to even come out of the house, he usually is able to put up with much deleterious and strident obstacles.

Once, ferment started in the city he lived nearby. Through his experiences, he was able to resolve the matter quickly. Most took it as if nothing ever happened.

Maybe one day, he will get recognized.

Term2 Week9 Journal Entry

It was the summer holidays. It wasn't really quite my idea, but my mother made my attend a camp. (Yes, it's camp again.) Sigh. What else could I do.

When I reached there, the scenery there wasn't as idyllic as i thought it would be. It was just an empty patch of land with no grass, some wooden house and basic neccessites. It was like a horror camp.

The other children there all loved to condescend themselves, using underhand means to mortify me, malign me of wrongdoings that I simply did not do. They didn't even have the slightest look of guilt. They bullied others however they like, as if they were omnipotent, like God.

I was just so relieved when the camp was over.

Term2 Week8 Journal Entry

Back to journals with 5 chim words.

In my class, there was one who was very, very obese. I can tell you that because once, he even broke a chair by sitting on it. Poor chair. Although it is pathetic that most of my classmates tease him about his body size, he still is able to maintain that optimistic view on things and keep himself full of bliss.

Even so, his adherent and other friends are good enough for his company. Through all these humiliations, he strived to show his best at the upcoming physical fitness test. It seemed just almost impossible. But, he shockingly was able to perform with lithe, beating the class hands down. It just goes to show what kind of hard work he did before the test.

Should I say wow?

Holiday Week4 Journal Entry

Nightfall. Who knew camp would be that tormenting? All I could remember is those sticky beads of sweat rolling down my face covered with oil. I just couldn't resist the tempation of getting a shower.

As I slumbered on my so-not-comfortable sleeping bag, I gazed at the moon, sky and those glittering stars. How relaxing. To think the night sky could be this wonderous.
Out of the blue, something amazing happened. A streak of light cut through the sky's view.

Commotions round other students got louder as the shooting star made its way across the sky. I made a wish. It was silly, but I wished that I could have more baths. Really silly. Even I laughed at my wish for a moment. Still thinking about my stupidity, I went back to sleep.

How ridiculous.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Holiday Week3 Journal Entry

God. There must be at least something I can do! I was at home. One word. Bored.
There's always a situation where there is absolutely nothing to do. Well, you could think of other things to do, like outdoors, games, friends, chatting and stuff.
But, unfortunately for me, nothing. It's like being stuck in a prison cell. At least you can scratch the walls there.

I tried sleeping. It worked, but only for awhile. Not long I was awake and back to square one. Just like now, I'm running out of ideas to write about this journal entry. I can be bored too.

Ok, I thought of something to write.

My tummy grumbled. I took an adventure of a lifetime, exploring my kitchen. Apparently my Mom had hidden many wonderful secrets here. For example, in my very own kitchen, she was hiding my games, toys, and every other stuff she had confiscated from me. It was like some sort of miracle!

Yes! Finally I had something to do. At least it reduced my burden of waiting for Mom to get home from work.

Holiday Week2 Journal Entry

Oh no. What I feared most had came. I stuffed my ears between my pillow and bolster, hoping it would block out any sound. There it came. "RIIIIIIIIIIING!RIIIIIIING!".
Darned alarm clock. I attempted to knock it down using a tissue paper, but obviously it didn't work.

Unwillingly, I sleepily sat there on my bed, staring at the wall opposite with a pair of eyes that looked they had never seen daylight. Darned alarm clock. I thought again. "Jason! Breakfast is ready! Come and eat it while its hot!" Mom hollered down the hallway. "Coming!" I tried to say. Maybe Mom didn't hear it. Who cares anyway.

There. Breakfast, in front of me. It didn't really look that appetising, but I still had to eat. Hoarding the food down my oesophagus, I tried to think positive. Yes, its another day. Think, about all the things you could do today! It didn't really help much.

I decided yet to slumber in my bed for just a liitle while longer.

Holiday Week1 Journal Entry

It was yet another tormenting day at tuition. The teacher's monotonus tone was like some sort of hypnotic trance, sending me off to dreamland. However hard I pushed my eyelids up, the weight was just too much. With that, I drifted off to sleep...

"Hey!, wake up!, this isn't the time to fall asleep! Pay attention, do you understand?" Not really getting the words into my mind, I blurrily nodded my head, trying to get a hold of myself. I shook my head. I used my fingers to open my eyelids. I slapped myself a few times (not that hard of course). My efforts were totally fruitless.

With drudgery, I waited and waited. Finally, the words, "you are dismissed." were like music to my ears. Back at home, I fell on my bed and couldn't resist falling asleep. How tiring.


Wednesday 18 June 2008

Favourite Author

Catherine Webb. Well it wasnt until I made my trip to the library that I found one of her books. Her books has left a great of impression on me.

5 Interesting Facts on Catherine Webb

1. She completed her first book, Mirror Dreams, only at the age of 14.
2. She also appeared in national television when she was 15 and also with the Telegraph, described as a 'Teen Queen'.
3. She appeared in CosmoGirl in an interview and inspired many young writers to try and get their works published.
4. Since her first book, she has gone on to write more books and has been favourably compared with Terry Pratchett (one of her literary heroes) and Philip Pullman. She has now published seven novels, all with Atom Books,and is a third-year history student at the London School of Economics.
5. She often prides herself on the scientific and historical accuracy of her Horatio Lyle books, which have been acclaimed by reviewers and readers.

There wasn't really much about her on wikipedia, so that's really much it. Her books were so interesting, it kept me stuck to it, even till the last page. I really hope that more books will be published.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Term2 Week7 Journal Entry

At a small town lived a man, Josh, who wanted to do big things. He often dreamt of becoming someone with much revere, to help the citizens eradicate any problem that they encounter.

When he was 15, he became mayor of the town for doing many good deeds. One day, he had came up with an infallible plan to capture three notorious thieves. But, what he didn't discover was, there were many loopholes in his so-called "infallible" plan.

So, on went the plan. Unfortunately for Josh, the thieves managed to discover the vulnerable spots of Josh's plan and escaped. Disgruntled, he headed back to his office to think of another plan.

The next day, the thieves were finally caught. o.o

Term2 Week6 Journal Entry

An array of colours flushed through the sky. Tom jumped in exultation. He had just won in the National Maths Competition.

Since little, teachers had noticed Tom had a talent in mathematics. Every single test he would score from 90 to 100, never a 89. Students called him the "Maths Prodigy".

But, ever since then, he became over-confident over his skills as he grew up. This lead to his downfall. Soon, he became an adamant person. All his friends abandoned him over his attitude. He kept faltering in his studies, and at the end of the year, his report book was full of "F"s.

But now, due to the encouragement of his teachers, friends and families he was able to make a comeback, and learned his lesson. He jumped for joy once again.

Cherish what you have.

Term2 Week5 Journal Entry

John and David were childhood enemies. Born from the start of their lives they were always showing strong aversion towards each other with much resentment. Nothing could stop the likes of these two to ever stop fighting.

Their fights were inevitable. They met every day at school, and John would always rebuke David to antagonize him. But, David would deliberately ignore his hostility.

One day, again they were having another fight. This time they fought with each other brutally. In the tough tussle, each got hurt badly. It wasn't until John thought of a question, "Why must we fight?". He found himself dumbstruck to that question and walked away, pondering...

Peace brings Harmony, vice-versa.